Keyboard Ninja: Kill Windows with the Blue Screen of Death in 3 Keystrokes

Have you ever wanted to show off your keyboard ninja skills by taking down Windows with just a couple of keystrokes? All you have to do is add one registry key, and then you can impress your friends… or use it to convince people to switch to Linux.
This isn’t a bug, it’s a “feature” in Windows that is designed to let users trigger a crash dump for testing purposes. There’s even a whole Microsoft KB article on the subject.
To enable this feature, open up regedit and then browse down to one of these keys, depending on your keyboard type:
USB Keyboard
PS/2 Keyboard
Now right-click on the right-hand pane and add a new DWORD key namedCrashOnCtrlScroll, giving it a value of 1.
Reboot your computer, and when it starts back up you can trigger the Blue Screen of Death by using the following keyboard shortcut:
Hold down Right Ctrl and hit Scroll Lock twice
To remove this “feature” you can just delete the registry key and then restart your computer again.
Please note that following this article WILL crash your computer… really isn’t very useful, but it’s lots of fun =)


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